Agency/Sector | Assignment | Project Description |
EU (Sher) | Disaster Preparedness | A regional formulation was undertaken of a joint project between the EU and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Disaster Management Centre on disaster preparedness and risk reduction with a focus on hydro-meteorological disasters. The project is to promote best practices at regional, national and, to a lesser extent, at local level, and is to provide for capacity-building to the SAARC-DMC, national DMCs and sub-national implementing institutions to ensure that disaster risk preparedness is mainstreamed. |
Oil & Gas | Policy advice ~ biodiversity | Policy: Assessment of current/future biodiversity impacts and risks in India, Bangladesh and Nepal; review of current Company practices in safeguarding environmentally sensitive areas and biodiversity conservation; consultation with central/local government; research and university institutes; local conservation/biodiversity organisations; review of current and emerging institutional frameworks, laws and initiatives (international, regional, national) on ESAs and biodiversity conservation; included reviews of relevant activities on MEAs. |
EU | Disaster Preparedness Assessment | Led Appraisal Mission to Bangladesh to design three-year programme; Earthquake preparedness and mitigation; Community awareness programme for all aspects of disaster preparedness leading to a study /design of a pilot implementation of a permanent disaster management capability; and, Extension of the disaster management information centre with ability to inform in real time to community level. |