


Agency/SectorAssignmentProject Description
EU (COWI)Team LeaderFinal Evaluation: Technical Assistance for the mainstreaming of environmental sustainability, including biodiversity, climate change and disaster risk reduction. The specific purpose of the evaluation is to assess the Mainstreaming Facility’s work using the six standard DAC evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact. In addition, evaluation will assess the EU added value.
EC (MWH)Climate ChangeKey Expert advising the Global Climate Change Alliance which provides a platform for dialogue and exchange among the EU and target countries and provides support in five priority areas: Adaptation to climate change; Reducing emissions from deforestation; Enhancing participation in the Clean Development Mechanism ; Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction; and, Integrating climate change into poverty reduction efforts. Specified and organised identification and formulation missions to Benin, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Samoa, Laos and Bhutan and facilitated regional climate change conference for Caribbean.
ECPeer ReviewEvaluation of Proposals /(Full applications): Call for Proposals for the “Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, including Energy”. Assessed several full applications) nearly all of which included assessments of one or more of climate change, REDD, FLEGT, CDM and Disaster Risk Reduction and all included review and assessment of agreements with partner organisations, project formulation, log frames, action plan and/or work-plan drafting, budget drafting etc.
ECClimate Change, Risk ScreeningEstimation of the part of the EC's aid portfolio that is potentially at risk due to climate change. Specifically this includes developing and testing a process to screen EC interventions for their likely vulnerability to climate change impacts and their potential direct and indirect consequences on the capacity to adapt to climate change or climate change mitigation potential of a sector/country. The analysis also provides recommendations to effectively respond to climate change challenges in development co-operation.
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