


Agency/SectorAssignmentProject Description
EU (Particip)Team LeaderFinal Evaluation, EU-GCC Clean Energy Network (PI): to understand the cumulative impact of the EU GCC Clean Energy Network on two strands of EU foreign policy; (i) the impact of on EU global energy policy (in particular the international component of EU’s energy policy); and (ii) assess its impact on EU relationship with the GCC countries), in particular on EU positioning in the region in the clean energy sector. Also, assess the impact of this project on promotion of EU technologies and EU business interests in the sector of clean energy in the GCC region. And provide recommendations regarding EU potential future actions in this sector.
Chemicals (Paint)Due diligence ~ paintReview of past and present operations (paint manufacture, retail and distribution) on the facility properties and surroundings in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia was undertaken to assess environmental compliance of the facility, key environmental liabilities associated with the facility and identifying cost associated with the remediation of any issues found. Tasks: background information review, assessment of available historical, geological, and topographical maps for the area, site visit, interviews with senior staff, a review of available documentation; and, reporting with estimates of compliance/remediation costs.
ConstructionEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ causewayAssessment included a primary requirement to predict changes in the hydrodynamics of the area behind a reef area that was the subject of a proposed reclamation scheme in Bahrain. Secondary requirements were the assessment of the impact of a reduced flushing regime on nursery grounds and feeding areas, and of the area/extent of potential borrow areas. Sediment characteristics were described and an inventory made of the indigenous flora and fauna.
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