


Agency/SectorAssignmentProject Description
EU (Cowater)Technical EditorDesign of a Regional Programme In Livestock and Pastoralism for Climate Change Adaptation. Re-drafted Progress Report, Action Documents & all Annexes (17): Itinerary; Persons Engaged; Stakeholder Mapping; Biography; Context Analysis; Value Chain Analysis: Livestock; Value Chain Analysis: Pastoralism; Document Analysis & Lessons Identified; Selected Clusters and Ranking; Peace and Security Conflict Analysis; Area-Based Development and Peace Dividend; Livestock Economy, Cross-Border Trade and Main Trade Routes; Disease Entry Points ~ Serengeti Mara; Risks and Mitigation; Description of the Action & Implementation Arrangements; SSC Fiche; and Workshop Outputs.
EU (CYE)Programming ExpertFormulation: Preparation of all the necessary elements for a draft Action Document to implement a programme on ocean governance, sustainable blue economy and conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean.
EU (Cowater)Team LeaderMid-Term Review: Ending Drought Emergencies: Support to Resilient Livelihoods and Drought Risk Management; The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the EU and the interested stakeholders with: an overall independent assessment of the performance of the EDE-interventions, paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results; key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future interventions.
DFID (IMC)ReviewerThe objective is to conduct an Independent Review of the Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility (GRMF), a component of the DFID East Africa Geothermal Programme. The GRMF provides support to private and public geothermal developers to reduce the risk in the early stages of geothermal development. The focus of the review is on Management, Governance, and Effectiveness.
EC AIDCOPreparation of support programme for the implementation of multi-lateral environmental agreements Working with the ACP Secretariat and regional partners (in Ethiopia, Kenya, Germany and Switzerland) a programme was prepared to assist ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) countries to negotiate, manage and implement Multilateral Environmental Agreements and mainstream the related environmental issues; Desertification Convention (UNCCD), Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol), and the Chemicals & Wastes Conventions (Rotterdam, Stockholm, Basel). Various financing options were discussed and a draft Project Identification Fiche/Financing Proposal was elaborated (9th EDF-compliant).
Construction (Housing)Advice on sustainable water supply, sanitation and renewablesAdvice provided to developer in Kenya for a master plan for low income housing near Mombasa. Specific issues were water supply, re-use & sanitation, energy efficiency, solid water management and other infrastructure requirements.
European/UK/US ConsultanciesMarket Surveillance and Business DevelopmentThe support offered has been given at one or more stages of the project cycle: Prequalification, Expressions of Interest, Consultant Selection, Technical Proposals, Tendering, Contract Award, Local/in-country Office set-up, Project Management and Billing. Specific sectors have included: oil & gas, industrial (integrated pollution prevention and control) Municipal (planning guidance) and climate change (mitigation, adaptation, vulnerability, and low carbon development potential).
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