


Agency/SectorAssignmentProject Description
CDB (KEIOS)ExpertDevelopment of new Urban Sector Policy and Strategy and associated Operational Guidelines through which to implement the strategy and dissemination of urban information and policies to all member states through a Regional Workshop.
EC (Transtec)EIA ~ wastewaterAssessment of the existing practices at distilleries and sugar factories in Jamaica for the disposal of wastewater and proposed strategies to effectively manage wastewater from the sugar industries within the context of the hierarchy of waste management, environmental sustainability and operational cost-effectiveness.
ECDisaster Risk Management ~ bananasDevelopment of macro-level banana/plantain industry strategy for coping with the increased incidence of weather-related disasters, with emphasis on floods and hurricanes.
EU AidCoProject Evaluation ~ marine protected area and ecotourismProject evaluation was undertaken in Jamaica - The Self-Sustainability of the Negril Marine Park, Project ENV/B7-6200/98-22 to determine lessons learned over the period of EC project funding (1999 2002). EC wished to be appraised of why most of the activities were delayed and to evaluate the outputs of the project in terms of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.
UK GovernmentCZMAdaptive strategies to environmental stress in relation to environmental change in brackish water systems (Baltic Sea) and coral reefs (Jamaica and Barbados). In parallel, other studies included fish censusing as part of a programme to investigate overfishing problems; the impact of development on island natural resources and economies, and plankton investigations (time-series) as part of understanding the energy budgets of coral reefs.
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