Agency/Sector | Assignment | Project Description |
EU (Cowater) | Technical Editor | Design of a Regional Programme In Livestock and Pastoralism for Climate Change Adaptation. Re-drafted Progress Report, Action Documents & all Annexes (17): Itinerary; Persons Engaged; Stakeholder Mapping; Biography; Context Analysis; Value Chain Analysis: Livestock; Value Chain Analysis: Pastoralism; Document Analysis & Lessons Identified; Selected Clusters and Ranking; Peace and Security Conflict Analysis; Area-Based Development and Peace Dividend; Livestock Economy, Cross-Border Trade and Main Trade Routes; Disease Entry Points ~ Serengeti Mara; Risks and Mitigation; Description of the Action & Implementation Arrangements; SSC Fiche; and Workshop Outputs. |
EU (CYE) | Programming Expert | Formulation: Preparation of all the necessary elements for a draft Action Document to implement a programme on ocean governance, sustainable blue economy and conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean. |
Transport, Waste, UNOPS (IPE) | Environmental and Social Management Framework | Environmental and Social Management Framework: Developed for transport and waste management sectors. |