


Agency/SectorAssignmentProject Description
EU (Cowater)Team LeaderMid-Term Evaluation of Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters in Eastern Neighbourhood Partner Countries – Phase 3. recommendations are to be elaborated, based on the findings of the evaluation, to contribute to the implementation of the remaining period of PPRD East 3, as well as for the design of future programmes in the region.
EU (Landelll Mills)Team LeaderIdentification and Formulation: Technical assistance for the identification and formulation of future actions in the field of green development and climate change, focussing on SMEs, tourism, agriculture and local development.
EU (Particip)Team LeaderEvaluation: of funding mechanisms and modalities of implementation in Enlargement and Neighbourhood areas 2014 - 2020 covering all thematic areas related to environment and climate change. Results are to enhance planning, design, implementation and monitoring of new interventions launched in the context of IPA III and the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument.
EU (Tractebel)Regional EvaluationGlobal assessment of the EU support provided at regional level in the fields of environmental governance and green economy, water management, and climate change in the Eastern Partnership countries , 2007-2013 and make recommendations for further EU support for the forthcoming programming period (2014-2020).
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