Agency/Sector | Assignment | Project Description |
EU (Sher) | Disaster Preparedness | A regional formulation was undertaken of a joint project between the EU and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Disaster Management Centre on disaster preparedness and risk reduction with a focus on hydro-meteorological disasters. The project is to promote best practices at regional, national and, to a lesser extent, at local level, and is to provide for capacity-building to the SAARC-DMC, national DMCs and sub-national implementing institutions to ensure that disaster risk preparedness is mainstreamed. |
DFID (Coffey) | Climate Change and Environment Risk Assessment | DFID Pakistan’s Private Sector Development Approach focuses on enhancing wealth creation opportunities for the poor as a means to generate jobs and tackle the ‘youth bulge’. A new £70m Wealth Creation for the Poor programme is being proposed to focus on sectors that have the ability to enhance the economy’s employment generating capacity and deliver jobs and assets for the transitory poor that are essential for poverty reduction and social stability in Pakistan. A climate change risk assessment was done for the programme; proposing potential risk mitigation strategies against environmental and climatic risks, and develop programmatic interventions; undertaking a mapping exercise and establish clear lines of responsibilities relating to implementing the risk mitigation framework; defining relevant requirements expected of the implementing agent/ contractor to develop and implement an environmental/climate change management plan for the programme; developing appropriate environmental/climate change monitoring and evaluation tools for the programme, and linking these to the programme’s results chain and logframe. |
EC (AGEG) | Climate Change | Scoping Mission to explore and identify interventions to support the Government and build its capacity to address climate change with a reasonable expectation of sustainability in the long run and potential complementarity with the EU's upcoming and ongoing projects in the area of rural development, natural resources management and sustainable development in the country and region, as well as the programmes of other donors active in the field of climate change and sustainable development. |