
Information systems (use & specification) and GIS

Information systems (use & specification) and GIS

Integral part of many projects - proposed water storage schemes (Botswana), environmental databases for SE & NE Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan/Kazakhstan) capacity-building (Egypt) supporting Komi Emergency Oil Spill Recovery & Mitigation Project (Arctic Russia), the GEF Red Sea Resource Management Project (Egypt), capacity-building in environmental management (Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency [Egypt], Ministry of Urban Planning, Construction & Environment [FYR Macedonia] and the Ministry of Environment [Bosnia & Herzegovina] support for coastal planning (Ministry of Environment, Fisheries and Forests [India]) specification & development of a PC-based data management system to collect and store monitoring data ((for HSE & quality) for regulatory compliance and management reports with roll-out and training programme (oil & gas Nigeria).

Projects undertaken by FutureStates in this category

LocationAgency/SectorAssignmentProject Description
Democratic Republic of CongoEMIAAfricaESIA SpecialistESIA Nickel Mining: Services include: Review existing information on environmental and social baseline conditions and potential impacts related to the Project, and associated facilities; Desktop Studies (Climate Change Risk, Human Rights Risk, Cumulative Impact, Disaster Management and Occupational Health and Safety). Also to draft: an ESMP, EMSMP and various Project E&S Policies, Project ESMS Manual and essential Project E&S standards (worker health and safety, environmental controls, etc) and preparation of a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecast and a Greenhouse Gas and Energy Efficiency Management Plan for construction and operation.
NigeriaAFCTA Sec (Eco Capital Consortium)Technical EditorStrategic Environmental Assessment: of African Continental Free Trade Area involved advising on layout, technical content and receipt of more than 50 individual technical contributions. The editorial process included technical review of each contribution before integration into the overall report.
NigeriaPorts (CARES)Risk Assessment ExpertJetty Risk Assessment: Quantitative Risk Assessment for operational safety of three Liquid Berths Facility using a mix of different methodologies to identify operational risk and mitigation plans (HAZID, HAZOP and SWIFT etc.); Controlled Zones Assessment and Dimensioning: to determine the dos and don’ts within identified zones of the port; and IMDG Handling: Hazardous Cargo Compatibility Study to assess the risks of having any of the IMDG classes of cargo in the container terminal close to handling of the different cargo identified for the Liquid Berth.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, UkraineEU (Cowater)Team LeaderMid-Term Evaluation of Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters in Eastern Neighbourhood Partner Countries – Phase 3. recommendations are to be elaborated, based on the findings of the evaluation, to contribute to the implementation of the remaining period of PPRD East 3, as well as for the design of future programmes in the region.
ArmeniaEU (Landelll Mills)Team LeaderIdentification and Formulation: Technical assistance for the identification and formulation of future actions in the field of green development and climate change, focussing on SMEs, tourism, agriculture and local development.
The GambiaUNDP (EuroPlus)Team LeaderFinal Evaluation: United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for The Gambia 2017-2021: The final report will be the main accountability tool for measuring the collective contribution of the UNCT in the Gambia. It will focus on issues at the strategic level and the overall contribution of the United Nations System at the outcome level, as well as the contribution to the national priorities and SDGs. Moreover, it will provide valuable information for improved programming, results, and decision-making for the next programme cycle and for enhancing UN coordination at the country level. Three key priority areas of (1) Governance, Economic Management and Human Rights; (2) Human Capital Development; and (3) Sustainable Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, ZimbabweEU (Cowater)Team LeaderSupport for the development of a SADC Response Plan to combat marine pollution in the region: outlining policy gaps and response mechanisms; Undertake analysis and assessment of the existing national and regional policies on oceans; In-depth analysis of SADC regional structures and Member States to assess strengths/weaknesses, opportunities and threats to sustainable management of marine ecosystems in the region; Conduct assessment of the extent and impact of marine pollution in the region, including the various waste streams; In-depth stakeholder analysis to identify and assess the involvement on different key stakeholders in combating marine pollution; Review and integrate lessons learnt elsewhere from development and implementation of the interventions for combating marine pollution, with case studies (one coastal state, one island state and state with large inland waters); Develop a plan outlining regional response mechanism to combat marine pollution; Facilitate a 2-day workshop in the region with at least one representative of each SADC MS for the validation of the regional response plan to combat marine pollution.
EthiopiaEU (Europlus)Team LeaderIdentification: Analyse the sector and identify options for a “EU Team Europe Framework Programme” to support Ethiopia’s National Determined Contribution targets by 2030 in terms of GHG emission and adaptation to climate change and climate hazards. This assignment is within the framework of the EU Green Deal, the NDICI Programming Guideline 2021-2027, the Ethiopia’s ten-year perspective plan 2021-2030 and notably its Climate Change objectives, the Ethiopian Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy and the Team Europe efforts.
VietnamADB (SAMBO)ExpertDrafting climate change adaptation guidelines for two sections (Ben Luc and Binh Chuan) of the Third Ring Road around Ho Chi Minh City involving development of vulnerabilities, impacts and adaptation options, based on IPCC Climate Change Scenarios.
Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Jamaica, St Lucia, SurinameCDB (KEIOS)ExpertDevelopment of new Urban Sector Policy and Strategy and associated Operational Guidelines through which to implement the strategy and dissemination of urban information and policies to all member states through a Regional Workshop.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, United KingdomEU (EY)Team LeaderAssesses (i) the preparedness of EU Member States to apply the climate change requirements of the 2014 – 2020 programming period; (ii) Understanding the reasons behind the differences Member States and infrastructure sectors in terms of addressing climate adaptation issues, identifying gaps and barriers as well as best practices; (iii) Stock-taking at European and State level (resources available and needed); (iv) Development of case study examples; and (v) Communication and dissemination of project findings.
Burkina Faso, Ghana, Sierra Leone, TogoTelecommsEvaluationEvaluation: Testing of a new telecommunications app to deliver internet access in the absence of Wi-Fi, 4G or 3G networks.
Dominican RepublicACP-EU (Safege)Climate Change Preparation of INDCs: Technical assistance and capacity building to prepare INDCs in countries throughout Caribbean. Tasks included: Review of existing methodologies and approaches; Preparation and delivery of a curriculum and training plan; and Preparation of training materials and delivery of regional capacity-building.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, UkraineEU (Tractebel)Regional EvaluationGlobal assessment of the EU support provided at regional level in the fields of environmental governance and green economy, water management, and climate change in the Eastern Partnership countries , 2007-2013 and make recommendations for further EU support for the forthcoming programming period (2014-2020).
NigeriaConstruxSustainable BankingSustainable Banking Management System: Provision of advice on, and implementation of, sustainable banking principles by banks, discount houses and development finance institutions including environmental and social footprinting. Principles included: Environmental and Social Governance, Financial Inclusion, Women’s Economic Empowerment and Human Rights.
Sierra LeoneMacAlister Elliott & PartnersEIA ~ Minerals TerminalAn EIA is being undertaken of a new tank farm to support terminal development for offloading of fuel for mining operations in hinterland.
Sierra LeoneEC (AGEG)Ex-post EvaluationEx-post Evaluation: Evaluation of project: "Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for the Sierra Leone Environmental Protection Agency". Evaluation of all aspects relative to design, implementation and results. Includes evaluation with respect to overall support provided by the EU to the sector and within context of legal and institutional arrangements, assessing the coherence of the EU support and its relevance to the national priorities as expressed in the mandate of the EPA SL and the PRSP II.
GhanaEC (AGEG)Country Environmental ProfilePreparation of CEP to: Identify and assess environmental and climate change issues for consideration during programming process for 11th EDF (2014-2020) and identification/design of future 11th EDF support activities; Provide decision-makers in Ghana, and in EU, with clear information on: key environmental challenges (including those resulting from increasing climate variability and climate change); current policy, legislative and institutional framework; and strategies and programmes (including those of the EC and other donors) designed to address them; Establish key linkages between environment, including climate change, and poverty reduction; Contribute to focusing political dialogue and co-operation with Government.
PakistanEC (AGEG)Climate ChangeScoping Mission to explore and identify interventions to support the Government and build its capacity to address climate change with a reasonable expectation of sustainability in the long run and potential complementarity with the EU's upcoming and ongoing projects in the area of rural development, natural resources management and sustainable development in the country and region, as well as the programmes of other donors active in the field of climate change and sustainable development.
Belize, GlobalEC (MWH)Climate ChangeKey Expert advising the Global Climate Change Alliance which provides a platform for dialogue and exchange among the EU and target countries and provides support in five priority areas: Adaptation to climate change; Reducing emissions from deforestation; Enhancing participation in the Clean Development Mechanism ; Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction; and, Integrating climate change into poverty reduction efforts. Specified and organised identification and formulation missions to Benin, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Samoa, Laos and Bhutan and facilitated regional climate change conference for Caribbean.
NigeriaFederal Ministry of EnvironmentDue DiligencePeer Review of new EIA Sector Guidelines for the Cement and Lime Manufacturing Plants, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Environment.
NigeriaLAMATADue DiligencePeer review of EIA for a Bus Rapid Transit Scheme in Lagos on behalf of the Lagos Metropolitan Transport Authority.
NigeriaAllison Fisheries Limited (CARES)EIA ~ portScoping, planning and peer review of EIA for a Sugar and Grain Terminal.
BelgiumACP - ECDisaster ManagementCreation of website relating to disaster risk management and disaster risk reduction covering the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States and regional institutions.
GlobalECPeer ReviewEvaluation of Proposals /(Full applications): Call for Proposals for the “Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, including Energy”. Assessed several full applications) nearly all of which included assessments of one or more of climate change, REDD, FLEGT, CDM and Disaster Risk Reduction and all included review and assessment of agreements with partner organisations, project formulation, log frames, action plan and/or work-plan drafting, budget drafting etc.
Global, Papua New Guinea, PhilippinesECClimate Change, Risk ScreeningEstimation of the part of the EC's aid portfolio that is potentially at risk due to climate change. Specifically this includes developing and testing a process to screen EC interventions for their likely vulnerability to climate change impacts and their potential direct and indirect consequences on the capacity to adapt to climate change or climate change mitigation potential of a sector/country. The analysis also provides recommendations to effectively respond to climate change challenges in development co-operation.
MontenegroNGODue diligence of environmental studies ~ master planThe work entailed appraisal of a master planning document concerning the intention to put the country on a sustainable development course. Review and detailed comments made on the document "Montenegro ~ Towards an Ecological State".
EgyptGovernmentStrategic Environmental Assessment ~ National Sustainable Tourism Strategic PlanThis assignment is being undertaken in Egypt on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism Development Authority. The tourism target is 25 million visitors by 2020 and is codified in The National Sustainable Tourism Strategic Plan. A key question is whether there is enough capacity in Egypt's natural, historical, cultural, and human resources to sustain the envisaged growth. The assignment explores the capacity of the tourism sector to cope with the expansion target and seeks to understand what may be needed to eliminate or minimise constraints. The study also reviews the existing tourism impacts and considers what future impacts there may be and what strategies could be deployed to minimise those, where and if possible. Because the anticipated tourism growth is expected to be coastally based, the study places emphasis on the coastal and marine resources.
KuwaitOil & GasWeb-based HSE-MSProvision of advice to Kuwait oil company on the hardware and software needed to establish a functional web and PC-based system to manage health, safety and environmental issues captured within a formal HSE-MS across all the operating companies. Two systems were identified, compared and contrasted and recommendations made.
NicaraguaUSAIDDevelopment/Delivery of EIA trainingA three-day, EIA course was developed and delivered in Nicaragua, with local NGO, for government agencies, fully supported with a delegate's manual and used local case study examples, focussing on the oil and gas sector specifically the potential impacts of seismic acquisition and exploration drilling.
Trinidad & TobagoECDisaster Preparedness AssessmentCurrent arrangements in Trinidad & Tobago were assessed for all aspects of disaster preparedness leading to financing for improved disaster management capability; regional, national and at community level.
AsiaECRegional Environmental ProfileThe Asia-wide Regional Environmental Profile was required for the preparation of the Regional Strategy Paper and Regional Indicative Programme. It covered: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. The purpose of the strategy was to provide a framework for programming EC multi-country development assistance for Asia-wide programmes; included reviews of all CEPs and relevant activities on MEAs.
NigeriaIFIDue diligence ~ pipelineAssessed EIA and other environmental studies for Gbaran-Ubie/EGGS-2 project in Nigeria ~ an onshore large-capacity gas supply source/transport system in Bayelsa State in the eastern part of the Niger delta.
IndiaUK Government, DFID, British CouncilCoastal Zone ManagementProvision of technical and management assistance to support Train-the-Trainer workshops and a Short Course in integrated CZM in India were undertaken at Newcastle and at two centres in India (Jadavpur University, Calcutta and Anna University, Chennai) with the progressive handover of the two courses. Involved Indian personnel who (1) already had a role in the management of ICZM projects and/or the training of staff in ICZM improved and extended their capacity to design, organise, implement and deliver training in ICZM and (2) already had role in implementation within ICZM projects built capacity to synthesise all the multi-disciplinary components of CZM to produce an integrated response to ICZM issues.
EgyptWorld Bank, (GEF)CZM ~ GEF Red Sea Coastal and Marine Resource Management ProjectWorking with government agencies including the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency and the Tourism Development Authority, activities included: development of a database utilising GIS and remote sensing techniques; baseline studies on existing pollution and nature-based tourism, a regulatory needs assessment, identification of institutional strengthening needs, building capacity in EIA, establishment of an Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement Coordination Unit, a Reef Recreation Management Unit, and development of a Marine Protected Areas Programme.
Russian FederationWorld Bank, EBRDKomi Emergency Oil Spill Recovery and Mitigation ProjectIn 1994 one of the world's largest oil spills occurred in the Usinsk region of the Komi Republic (Russian Federation) due to leaks from the regional pipeline. Most significant impact was on commercial and domestic fisheries in the local rivers. Other impacts included: loss of habitat for small mammals and water birds, also a significant downstream effect on river communities (eight villages with population of 7000) for potable water and grazing land. Reindeer herds and their migration routes had been affected. A social mitigation plan had been established. Specific role: identification of regional priority environmental socio-economic issues, design of environmental and socio-economic measures; identification of supporting research needs; and evaluation of low-cost bioremediation.
Russian FederationOil & GasTraining ~ laboratory proceduresDiscussions were held with regulatory officials in the Russian Federation concerning the evaluation of a potential laboratory for in-country analysis of soil and water samples. A detailed tour of the facilities was made, during which the equipment was inventoried and procedures discussed with senior laboratory personnel. A preliminary list was made concerning requirements for high-grade analytical chemicals and spare parts for some of the equipment. Training needs were identified and a proposed programme of US-based training, followed by in-country technical support and transfer, was discussed and developed.
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