


Studies have included: cleaner production, urban waste minimisation, rural sanitation, geochemical studies for deep sea disposal of radioactive waste; waste studies of fish farming; studies (including legislative provision) for the disposal of agricultural, domestic waste and wastewater, water and sanitation in rural areas, industrial waste from coastal settlements; development of waste management strategies for oily wastes and cyanide wastes in the aluminium industry; waste management reviews for the offshore oil and gas industry; waste oil recovery and treatment for the world’s largest onshore oil spill (in Arctic Russia); and landfill and other waste management issues in the UK (including Expert Witness) waste management legislation (Belize, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Egypt, Fiji, FYR Macedonia, Guyana, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic, Namibia, Nigeria, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uganda, UK, and Uzbekistan) hazardous waste management study in St Helena. Facility experience: ports and harbours, offshore and onshore oil and gas installations and support services & facilities). Development of Environmental and Social Management Framework for waste management sector in Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland.

Projects undertaken by FutureStates in this category

LocationAgency/SectorAssignmentProject Description
EuropeEXCEEDTrainer EXCEED Upskilling Programme: Eco-Digital Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing - Upskilling Programme for VET Professionals. Provision of two-hour presentation on Eco-Digital Innovation in content of circular economy, environent and climate change.
YemenEU (Cowater)Climate Change ExpertClimate-Resilient Development: TA “to support climate-resilient development in Yemen in terms of preparedness, mitigation and protection, and absorbing climate-related shocks resulting in sustainable interventions”. This includes: transfer capacity to climate proof the programming of development projects and other public-led actions of social interest; and a recommended analytical framework for disaster risk management (preparedness, mitigation, protection).
Democratic Republic of CongoEMIAAfricaESIA SpecialistESIA Nickel Mining: Services include: Review existing information on environmental and social baseline conditions and potential impacts related to the Project, and associated facilities; Desktop Studies (Climate Change Risk, Human Rights Risk, Cumulative Impact, Disaster Management and Occupational Health and Safety). Also to draft: an ESMP, EMSMP and various Project E&S Policies, Project ESMS Manual and essential Project E&S standards (worker health and safety, environmental controls, etc) and preparation of a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecast and a Greenhouse Gas and Energy Efficiency Management Plan for construction and operation.
NigeriaAFCTA Sec (Eco Capital Consortium)Technical EditorStrategic Environmental Assessment: of African Continental Free Trade Area involved advising on layout, technical content and receipt of more than 50 individual technical contributions. The editorial process included technical review of each contribution before integration into the overall report.
NigeriaEU (CYE)Team LeaderTA to key MDAs under Ministry of Environment and Agriculture, the Nigerian Climate Change Council, the National Space Research and Development Agency and NDC Partnership; research and studies, project monitoring, capacity building and training, technical policy dialogue, international thematic meetings, etc. related to climate change, circular economy and climate smart agriculture, aligned with EU Multiannual Indicative Programme for Nigeria, 2021-2027.
The GambiaUNDP (EuroPlus)Team LeaderFinal Evaluation: United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for The Gambia 2017-2021: The final report will be the main accountability tool for measuring the collective contribution of the UNCT in the Gambia. It will focus on issues at the strategic level and the overall contribution of the United Nations System at the outcome level, as well as the contribution to the national priorities and SDGs. Moreover, it will provide valuable information for improved programming, results, and decision-making for the next programme cycle and for enhancing UN coordination at the country level. Three key priority areas of (1) Governance, Economic Management and Human Rights; (2) Human Capital Development; and (3) Sustainable Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, ZimbabweEU (Cowater)Team LeaderSupport for the development of a SADC Response Plan to combat marine pollution in the region: outlining policy gaps and response mechanisms; Undertake analysis and assessment of the existing national and regional policies on oceans; In-depth analysis of SADC regional structures and Member States to assess strengths/weaknesses, opportunities and threats to sustainable management of marine ecosystems in the region; Conduct assessment of the extent and impact of marine pollution in the region, including the various waste streams; In-depth stakeholder analysis to identify and assess the involvement on different key stakeholders in combating marine pollution; Review and integrate lessons learnt elsewhere from development and implementation of the interventions for combating marine pollution, with case studies (one coastal state, one island state and state with large inland waters); Develop a plan outlining regional response mechanism to combat marine pollution; Facilitate a 2-day workshop in the region with at least one representative of each SADC MS for the validation of the regional response plan to combat marine pollution.
GlobalEU (COWI)Team LeaderFinal Evaluation: Technical Assistance for the mainstreaming of environmental sustainability, including biodiversity, climate change and disaster risk reduction. The specific purpose of the evaluation is to assess the Mainstreaming Facility’s work using the six standard DAC evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact. In addition, evaluation will assess the EU added value.
EgyptEU (Cowater)Team LeaderMid Term Evaluation: of the Egyptian Pollution Abatement Project (III) which is designed to establish funding mechanisms, with the help of international donors’ community, to support industrial companies that are willing to invest in pollution abatement. The evaluation assesses against six standard DAC evaluation criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact, in addition to the EU-specific evaluation criterion: EU Added Value.
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Palestine, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, UkraineEU (Particip)Team LeaderEvaluation: of funding mechanisms and modalities of implementation in Enlargement and Neighbourhood areas 2014 - 2020 covering all thematic areas related to environment and climate change. Results are to enhance planning, design, implementation and monitoring of new interventions launched in the context of IPA III and the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument.
KuwaitKOC (ECO)ExpertWaste Management: Development of a Long Term Waste Management Strategy involving several stages: Review of Existing waste management documentation; Waste and economic forecasts; Establishing a strategic planning framework; Identification and evaluation of options; and Strategy formulation and implementation plan.
LebanonEU (Transtec)Team LeaderEx-post Evaluation: Support to Reforms Environmental Governance: to provide the relevant services of the European Union Delegation, the Ministry of Environment and the Programme Assistance Office with: an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the Action Support to Reforms – Environmental Governance paying particular attention to its results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results; key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve future Actions; more particularly the design of a new action in the area of environmental crimes and a follow-up action on air pollution.
North MacedoniaSDC (ECPD)Infrastructure ExpertFinal Evaluation: Strategy for Regional Development 2009-2019 conducted in accordance with the Rulebook – Procedure for selection of evaluators and methodology for evaluation of the planning documents for regional development (Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia, number 15/12 and 67/13). Following the evaluation, a new draft Strategy for Regional Development and eight new programmes for development for the planning regions are to be developed.
EgyptEU (Prospect)Team LeaderIdentification and Formulation of the EU Environment & Climate programme under the Annual Action Programme 2020 and programming support for 2021-2027. Two streams of action: support for Environment/Climate sector alongside Single Support Framework for European Support to Egypt and capacity -building with Ministry of Environment (Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency) to support the establishment of a strong policy framework to mainstream environmental and climate in other policy areas notably through the circular economy. Also mid-term priorities for 2021-2027 and recommendations to mainstream environment and climate action in all sectors of EU intervention. Implementation modality, and ToRs or specification for TA service contract or any relevant modality.
Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Jamaica, St Lucia, SurinameCDB (KEIOS)ExpertDevelopment of new Urban Sector Policy and Strategy and associated Operational Guidelines through which to implement the strategy and dissemination of urban information and policies to all member states through a Regional Workshop.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, United KingdomEU (EY)Team LeaderAssesses (i) the preparedness of EU Member States to apply the climate change requirements of the 2014 – 2020 programming period; (ii) Understanding the reasons behind the differences Member States and infrastructure sectors in terms of addressing climate adaptation issues, identifying gaps and barriers as well as best practices; (iii) Stock-taking at European and State level (resources available and needed); (iv) Development of case study examples; and (v) Communication and dissemination of project findings.
PalestineEC, EIB (Acciona)Institutional Assessment and TrainingInstitutional Assessment and Training: Preparation and delivery of a training course on environmental law to Palestinian institutions applying to desalination plants (construction and operations) ~ Local laws, Israeli and MENA regulations, EU regulations, Equator principles, World Bank Safeguards and IFC performance standards.
Puntland, Somalia, SomalilandTransport, Waste, UNOPS (IPE)Environmental and Social Management FrameworkEnvironmental and Social Management Framework: Developed for transport and waste management sectors.
Dominican RepublicACP-EU (Safege)Climate Change Preparation of INDCs: Technical assistance and capacity building to prepare INDCs in countries throughout Caribbean. Tasks included: Review of existing methodologies and approaches; Preparation and delivery of a curriculum and training plan; and Preparation of training materials and delivery of regional capacity-building.
Sierra LeoneMCC (IMC)Monitoring & Evaluation Expert, Team LeaderMonitoring & Evaluation: Provision of M & E for the Natural Resource Management, Environment and Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Due Diligence Services for Development of Power, Water and Sanitation Service Improvements in Sierra Leone. The work covers the initial due diligence of the MCC compact development process.
UgandaBTC (NTU)Monitoring & Evaluation ExpertEnd of Project Review of CDM projects and programmes.
MauritaniaCOMASUD (Sopex)Strategic Environmental and Social AssessmentA Front End Engineering Design for the construction of an integrated sugar complex is being undertaken and requires an ESIA. The main goal of the industrial project is to produce about 145,000 tonnes of white sugar per year from sugar cane, produced locally, to supply the local market. To optimise revenues, a second goal is to transform the by-products of sugar cane, such as molasses, bagasse and so on into value-added products such as ethanol, electricity, fertilisers, cattle feed and so on.
MozambiqueWorld Bank (Cardno US)Strategic Environmental and Social AssessmentStrategic Environmental and Social Assessment: to provide a strategic framework for strengthening environmental and social sustainability of the mineral, coal, gas, LNG, artisanal and small-scale mining sectors, and for strengthening the addressing of health and safety in these sectors.
St HelenaSt Helena Government (IMC)Hazardous Waste ManagementProvision of a technical review of the options in the draft Hazardous Waste Management Assessment Report of the St Helena Government and in particular: Identify and briefly appraise any technological options that may have been missed, Provide estimates for the options included in the report; and Consider the constraints faced on export under the Basel Convention.
Saudi ArabiaAirport AuthorityEnvironmental ManagementProvision of preliminary advice on the requirements for an internationally-compliant environmental plan for King Abdulaziz International Airport which serves the city of Jeddah. Facilities include high-speed rail service, new and expanded Haij terminal, solar generation, desalination and new city infrastructure.
NigeriaOil & Gas (Environ)Due DiligenceIdentify potential liabilities in oil and gas concessions related to potential environmental or social issues that could have a material impact on the value of the assets assessed; the number and magnitude of oil spills and the remedial work and measures that has been carried out and measures taken to prevent oil spills in the future; current environmental non-compliance with local laws and regulations and actions being taken; facility requirements and cost estimates required to meet current and reasonably foreseeable; environmental regulations; past and current environmental liabilities and penalties including any on-site and off-site contaminated land liabilities; and site remediation, closure and monitoring; past and current gas flaring volumes and penalties and measures taken to reduce gas flaring in the future; past and current security issues and disruptions (bunkering) and measures in place to improve security and reduce oil losses; threatened or actual third party or regulatory action or claims; past and current relationships with the local communities.
Sierra LeoneMacAlister Elliott & PartnersEIA ~ Minerals TerminalAn EIA is being undertaken of a new tank farm to support terminal development for offloading of fuel for mining operations in hinterland.
Sierra LeoneEC (AGEG)Ex-post EvaluationEx-post Evaluation: Evaluation of project: "Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for the Sierra Leone Environmental Protection Agency". Evaluation of all aspects relative to design, implementation and results. Includes evaluation with respect to overall support provided by the EU to the sector and within context of legal and institutional arrangements, assessing the coherence of the EU support and its relevance to the national priorities as expressed in the mandate of the EPA SL and the PRSP II.
GhanaEC (AGEG)Country Environmental ProfilePreparation of CEP to: Identify and assess environmental and climate change issues for consideration during programming process for 11th EDF (2014-2020) and identification/design of future 11th EDF support activities; Provide decision-makers in Ghana, and in EU, with clear information on: key environmental challenges (including those resulting from increasing climate variability and climate change); current policy, legislative and institutional framework; and strategies and programmes (including those of the EC and other donors) designed to address them; Establish key linkages between environment, including climate change, and poverty reduction; Contribute to focusing political dialogue and co-operation with Government.
MontenegroEC (SOPEX)Peer Review, QAEvaluation: Ex-Ante Evaluation of the Operational Programmes for IPA Components III & IV and Strategic Environmental Environmental Assessment of the Operational Programme for IPA Component III - Montenegro.
JamaicaEC (Transtec)EIA ~ wastewaterAssessment of the existing practices at distilleries and sugar factories in Jamaica for the disposal of wastewater and proposed strategies to effectively manage wastewater from the sugar industries within the context of the hierarchy of waste management, environmental sustainability and operational cost-effectiveness.
SenegalForestryCarbon ManagementEvaluation of groundnut-briquette making technology to replace charcoal and the use of Jatropha as a biofuel.
Belize, GlobalEC (MWH)Climate ChangeKey Expert advising the Global Climate Change Alliance which provides a platform for dialogue and exchange among the EU and target countries and provides support in five priority areas: Adaptation to climate change; Reducing emissions from deforestation; Enhancing participation in the Clean Development Mechanism ; Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction; and, Integrating climate change into poverty reduction efforts. Specified and organised identification and formulation missions to Benin, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Samoa, Laos and Bhutan and facilitated regional climate change conference for Caribbean.
CaribbeanDFIDClimate ChangeRapid Climate Change screening of the DFID Caribbean portfolio of programmes/projects and assessment of priorities for interventions.
MalawiECSEA - SugarSEA: Carried out for the implementation of the National Adaptation Strategy of the Sugar Industry and the relevant EC Multi-Annual support. Overall objective ~ describe, identify and assess the likely significant environmental challenges, considerations and effects of implementing the NAS with regard to the environmental impact of the sugar restructuring.
FijiECSEA - SugarSEA: Carried out for the implementation of the National Adaptation Strategy for the Sugar Industry. Overall objective ~ describe, identify and assess the likely significant environmental challenges, considerations and effects of implementing the NAS with regard to the environmental impact of the sugar restructuring. Involved a Scoping Study and the SEA Study itself with some emphasis on co-generation, biofuels and carbon sequestration.
UgandaECClimate ChangeUpdate the Country Environment Profile and identify ways and means to strengthen EC support to address climate change in Uganda.
NigeriaChemicalsHSE AuditHSE audit of chemical manufacturing facility.
KuwaitOil & GasImplementation ~ ISO 14001Peer review of ISO 14001 implementation including assessment of environmental aspects, site visits (pipelines, tank farms, contractor sites) and risk methodology.
BelizeECSEA - SugarSEA: Carried out for the implementation of the Belize Country Strategy for the Adaptation of the Sugar Industry 2006-2015 and the relevant EC Multi-Annual Support. Overall objective ~ describe, identify and assess the likely significant environmental challenges, considerations and effects of implementing the BCS with regard to the environmental impact of the sugar restructuring. Involved a Scoping Study and the SEA Study itself.
KenyaConstruction (Housing)Advice on sustainable water supply, sanitation and renewablesAdvice provided to developer in Kenya for a master plan for low income housing near Mombasa. Specific issues were water supply, re-use & sanitation, energy efficiency, solid water management and other infrastructure requirements.
NigeriaOil & GasImplementation ~ ISO 14001Assistance on developing an integrated health, safety and environment management system and to prepare an oil company in Nigeria for ISO 14001 certification. Activities included policy review, manual preparation, and development of procedures. To support implementation, various awareness workshops were developed and given, at different levels, including for senior managers, staff, contractors and suppliers. Successfully certified to ISO 14001 by SGS. Further specialist support provided: EIA, internal auditing, and programmes on waste minimisation and energy conservation.
ThailandAsia-Europe Env. Tech. CentreUrban Development ~ mega citiesAs a member of Advisory Group to AEETC in Thailand, areas of advice included Mega-Cities Efficient Use of Resources, Energy and Environment, Controls on Emissions and Waste, and Urbanisation and Sustainable Development. Projects to date: Air pollution in the mega-cities of south and south -east Asia: An assessment of the policies and strategies for air pollution control and management, International symposium on greening tax system in Asian countries.
ThailandUK Government (DTI/DETR)Training ~ waste managementSupport to British Trade Mission to Thailand implemented by the Joint Environmental Markets Unit and Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce sponsoring several environmental seminars on waste management to accompany Britain in Thailand: Environment Week held in Bangkok. Invited seminar concerned the establishment of a waste minimisation programme and was attended by at least 120 delegates representing all parts of Thai industry.
EgyptUK Government, DFIDCapacity-building ~ ministriesThe institution-strengthening/capacity-building, 3-year programme in Egypt included co-ordination, development and delivery of 36 workshops: government line ministries (e.g. Housing, Tourism, Agriculture etc.), governmental agencies and NGOs, major universities and research institutes, and selected industrial sectors; energy, petrochemicals, heavy industry, engineering, mining, agrochemicals, food, oil and soap, and textiles. Workshops included: EIA environmental auditing and management systems, waste management. Selected delegates attended specific study tours to enhance their skills and knowledge, particularly in EIA and in waste management.
Puerto Rico, VenezuelaUK GovernmentWaste Management ~ nuclearGeochemical studies around Puerto Rico and Venezuela related to deep-sea disposal of radioactive waste as a collaborative effort involving the Universities of Leeds and Southampton, the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (Deacon Laboratory) and the Oceanographic Institute, Caracas. Sampling undertaken and original methods developed to measure dissolved manganese and the rare earth elements in seawater, sediments and fish teeth using AAS (graphite furnace) and MS respectively. Data indicated the relationship between water values, sediment concentrations and selective replacement of fish bone mineralogy and provided insights into stability of the ocean floor.
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