
Industrial Development

Industrial Development

Assignments have been undertaken on behalf of large multinational and SMEs:

Energy efficiency, cleaner production, urban waste minimisation, geochemical studies for deep sea disposal of radioactive waste; studies (including legislative provision) for the disposal of industrial waste from coastal settlements; development of waste management strategies for oily wastes and cyanide wastes in the aluminium industry; waste management reviews for the offshore oil and gas industry; waste oil recovery and treatment for the world’s largest onshore oil spill (in Arctic Russia); and landfill and other waste management issues in the UK (including Expert Witness).

Facility experience includes:

Refineries, smelters, paint works, fossil fuel power stations, LNG plant, tanker loading facility, oil export terminal, offshore producing facilities, booster stations, pipelines, ports and harbours, rail infrastructure, logging and timber, heavy and light manufacturing and engineering facilities, and chemical manufacture & distribution.

Projects undertaken by FutureStates in this category

LocationAgency/SectorAssignmentProject Description
EuropeEXCEEDTrainer EXCEED Upskilling Programme: Eco-Digital Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing - Upskilling Programme for VET Professionals. Provision of two-hour presentation on Eco-Digital Innovation in content of circular economy, environent and climate change.
Democratic Republic of CongoEMIAAfricaESIA SpecialistESIA Nickel Mining: Services include: Review existing information on environmental and social baseline conditions and potential impacts related to the Project, and associated facilities; Desktop Studies (Climate Change Risk, Human Rights Risk, Cumulative Impact, Disaster Management and Occupational Health and Safety). Also to draft: an ESMP, EMSMP and various Project E&S Policies, Project ESMS Manual and essential Project E&S standards (worker health and safety, environmental controls, etc) and preparation of a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecast and a Greenhouse Gas and Energy Efficiency Management Plan for construction and operation.
NigeriaAFCTA Sec (Eco Capital Consortium)Technical EditorStrategic Environmental Assessment: of African Continental Free Trade Area involved advising on layout, technical content and receipt of more than 50 individual technical contributions. The editorial process included technical review of each contribution before integration into the overall report.
NigeriaNPA (MDS)Peer ReviewerStakeholder Engagement Plan: Peer Review of Plan for the Tin Can island Modernisation Project, Lagos.
NigeriaPorts (CARES)Risk Assessment ExpertJetty Risk Assessment: Quantitative Risk Assessment for operational safety of three Liquid Berths Facility using a mix of different methodologies to identify operational risk and mitigation plans (HAZID, HAZOP and SWIFT etc.); Controlled Zones Assessment and Dimensioning: to determine the dos and don’ts within identified zones of the port; and IMDG Handling: Hazardous Cargo Compatibility Study to assess the risks of having any of the IMDG classes of cargo in the container terminal close to handling of the different cargo identified for the Liquid Berth.
GuineaMining (EMIAFRICA)Team LeaderGHG Management: Preparation of a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecast and a Greenhouse Gas and Energy Efficiency Management Plan for construction and operation of the [redacted] Project in Guinea.
St HelenaFCDO (DT Global) Peer Review Quality Review: Of a condition assessment and process hazard analysis of the ageing bulk fuel installation on the UK overseas territory of St Helena. The QR reviewed a condition survey and hazard analysis undertaken by a third party to ensure the Bulk Fuel Installation could continue to be safely operated until new fuel facilities were in service.
CanadaOil & Gas SectorTechnical AdvisorBiodiversity: Provision of technical support concerning a nature park aiming for RAMSAR designation and on-site support at COP 15 (Montreal December 2022).
Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, ZimbabweEU (Cowater)Team LeaderSupport for the development of a SADC Response Plan to combat marine pollution in the region: outlining policy gaps and response mechanisms; Undertake analysis and assessment of the existing national and regional policies on oceans; In-depth analysis of SADC regional structures and Member States to assess strengths/weaknesses, opportunities and threats to sustainable management of marine ecosystems in the region; Conduct assessment of the extent and impact of marine pollution in the region, including the various waste streams; In-depth stakeholder analysis to identify and assess the involvement on different key stakeholders in combating marine pollution; Review and integrate lessons learnt elsewhere from development and implementation of the interventions for combating marine pollution, with case studies (one coastal state, one island state and state with large inland waters); Develop a plan outlining regional response mechanism to combat marine pollution; Facilitate a 2-day workshop in the region with at least one representative of each SADC MS for the validation of the regional response plan to combat marine pollution.
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab EmiratesEU (Particip)Team LeaderFinal Evaluation, EU-GCC Clean Energy Network (PI): to understand the cumulative impact of the EU GCC Clean Energy Network on two strands of EU foreign policy; (i) the impact of on EU global energy policy (in particular the international component of EU’s energy policy); and (ii) assess its impact on EU relationship with the GCC countries), in particular on EU positioning in the region in the clean energy sector. Also, assess the impact of this project on promotion of EU technologies and EU business interests in the sector of clean energy in the GCC region. And provide recommendations regarding EU potential future actions in this sector.
EgyptEU (Cowater)Team LeaderMid Term Evaluation: of the Egyptian Pollution Abatement Project (III) which is designed to establish funding mechanisms, with the help of international donors’ community, to support industrial companies that are willing to invest in pollution abatement. The evaluation assesses against six standard DAC evaluation criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact, in addition to the EU-specific evaluation criterion: EU Added Value.
UzbekistanUNDP (VJW)ExpertODS Replacement: Development of a comprehensive resource mobilisation strategy to attract and stream financial resources to the refrigeration and air conditioning sector for the implementation of zero- ODS, low-GWP and energy efficient technologies, to assist in meeting the requirements of the Montreal Protocol and the Kigali Amendment.
KuwaitKOC (ECO)ExpertWaste Management: Development of a Long Term Waste Management Strategy involving several stages: Review of Existing waste management documentation; Waste and economic forecasts; Establishing a strategic planning framework; Identification and evaluation of options; and Strategy formulation and implementation plan.
GhanaDFID (IMC)Team LeaderProgramme Completion Review: to provide an independent review of the performance of the Ghana Oil and Gas Inclusive Growth programme. In particular, verify outputs and outcomes, sustainability of changes, accumulated effect of the range of reforms supported by the programme, and assess value for money.
LebanonEU (Transtec)Team LeaderEx-post Evaluation: Support to Reforms Environmental Governance: to provide the relevant services of the European Union Delegation, the Ministry of Environment and the Programme Assistance Office with: an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the Action Support to Reforms – Environmental Governance paying particular attention to its results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results; key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve future Actions; more particularly the design of a new action in the area of environmental crimes and a follow-up action on air pollution.
EgyptEU (Prospect)Team LeaderIdentification and Formulation of the EU Environment & Climate programme under the Annual Action Programme 2020 and programming support for 2021-2027. Two streams of action: support for Environment/Climate sector alongside Single Support Framework for European Support to Egypt and capacity -building with Ministry of Environment (Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency) to support the establishment of a strong policy framework to mainstream environmental and climate in other policy areas notably through the circular economy. Also mid-term priorities for 2021-2027 and recommendations to mainstream environment and climate action in all sectors of EU intervention. Implementation modality, and ToRs or specification for TA service contract or any relevant modality.
NigeriaDept. Petroleum Resources (MDS)ExpertThe assignment covers an initial assessment of the global and national energy outlook to be followed by the development of guidelines and standards on carbon emission reduction monetisation for projects in the oil and gas sector in relation to the Paris Agreement on climate change.
TajikistanEBRD (IMC)ExpertThe assignment on climate change resilience and gender contributed to evidence building on integrating gender considerations into climate-resilient policy and investment planning processes; and to strengthen national capabilities to successfully integrate gender considerations.
MauritaniaCOMASUD (Sopex)Strategic Environmental and Social AssessmentA Front End Engineering Design for the construction of an integrated sugar complex is being undertaken and requires an ESIA. The main goal of the industrial project is to produce about 145,000 tonnes of white sugar per year from sugar cane, produced locally, to supply the local market. To optimise revenues, a second goal is to transform the by-products of sugar cane, such as molasses, bagasse and so on into value-added products such as ethanol, electricity, fertilisers, cattle feed and so on.
MozambiqueWorld Bank (Cardno US)Strategic Environmental and Social AssessmentStrategic Environmental and Social Assessment: to provide a strategic framework for strengthening environmental and social sustainability of the mineral, coal, gas, LNG, artisanal and small-scale mining sectors, and for strengthening the addressing of health and safety in these sectors.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, UkraineEU (Tractebel)Regional EvaluationGlobal assessment of the EU support provided at regional level in the fields of environmental governance and green economy, water management, and climate change in the Eastern Partnership countries , 2007-2013 and make recommendations for further EU support for the forthcoming programming period (2014-2020).
St HelenaSt Helena Government (IMC)Hazardous Waste ManagementProvision of a technical review of the options in the draft Hazardous Waste Management Assessment Report of the St Helena Government and in particular: Identify and briefly appraise any technological options that may have been missed, Provide estimates for the options included in the report; and Consider the constraints faced on export under the Basel Convention.
Saudi ArabiaAirport AuthorityEnvironmental ManagementProvision of preliminary advice on the requirements for an internationally-compliant environmental plan for King Abdulaziz International Airport which serves the city of Jeddah. Facilities include high-speed rail service, new and expanded Haij terminal, solar generation, desalination and new city infrastructure.
NigeriaDFID (ASI)ComplianceProvision of preliminary advice on compliance requirements for the DFID investment: Attracting Investment in Kogi State through support to a starch processing facility with up to 93,000 million tonnes capacity in the Kogi Staple Crop Processing Zone.
NigeriaOil & Gas (Environ)Due DiligenceIdentify potential liabilities in oil and gas concessions related to potential environmental or social issues that could have a material impact on the value of the assets assessed; the number and magnitude of oil spills and the remedial work and measures that has been carried out and measures taken to prevent oil spills in the future; current environmental non-compliance with local laws and regulations and actions being taken; facility requirements and cost estimates required to meet current and reasonably foreseeable; environmental regulations; past and current environmental liabilities and penalties including any on-site and off-site contaminated land liabilities; and site remediation, closure and monitoring; past and current gas flaring volumes and penalties and measures taken to reduce gas flaring in the future; past and current security issues and disruptions (bunkering) and measures in place to improve security and reduce oil losses; threatened or actual third party or regulatory action or claims; past and current relationships with the local communities.
Sierra LeoneMacAlister Elliott & PartnersEIA ~ Minerals TerminalAn EIA is being undertaken of a new tank farm to support terminal development for offloading of fuel for mining operations in hinterland.
NigeriaCARES LimitedRisk AssessmentA risk assessment carried out to confirm that an oil products jetty could be operated safely given other port activities at this location.
KazakhstanWorld BankMiningProvision of environmental advice to the Kazakhstan Mining Sector (assessing sector master plan).
JamaicaEC (Transtec)EIA ~ wastewaterAssessment of the existing practices at distilleries and sugar factories in Jamaica for the disposal of wastewater and proposed strategies to effectively manage wastewater from the sugar industries within the context of the hierarchy of waste management, environmental sustainability and operational cost-effectiveness.
NigeriaChemicalsHSE AuditHSE audit of chemical manufacturing facility.
KuwaitOil & GasImplementation ~ ISO 14001Peer review of ISO 14001 implementation including assessment of environmental aspects, site visits (pipelines, tank farms, contractor sites) and risk methodology.
Saudi ArabiaInvestorsEnvironmental due diligence ~ refineryJubail Export Refinery is to be developed to include an export facility (400,000 barrel per day of Arabian Heavy crude oil from Saudi Arabian fields) with upgrading feedstock to motor fuels and petrochemical feeds (no heavy fuel oil production) and configured as a full-conversion coking facility, producing a limited volume of petrochemical products. The assignment involved review and commenting on of ESIA for marine issues particularly oil spill contingency.
LiberiaMiningEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ dredging and coastal protectionAssignment called for a scoping study to be developed to identify environmental and social impacts associated with the de-silting of the channel into Port Buchanan, Liberia for the purposes of iron ore export. Discussions with government ministries, and stakeholders from the adjacent fishing communities were undertaken and various potential issues identified and mitigations proposed, including potential beach nourishment.
Bosnia and HerzegovinaECIntegrated Pollution Prevention ControlDevelopment of Terms of Reference to implement the EC Directive on IPPC in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
KuwaitGovernmentKeynote AddressKeynote speaker at regional conference in Kuwait on ISO 14001 and climate change sponsored by the Kuwait government.
IrelandGovernmentDue diligence of environmental studies ~ gas pipelineThe Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR) of the Government of Ireland requires a statutory assessment of an Environmental Impact Statement concerned with the construction and operation of an onshore and offshore pipeline. The twin objectives of the assignment are to confirm the regulatory compliance of the EIS with relevant EU and Irish legislation and to confirm the technical compliance with relevant ISO standards.
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, UzbekistanEC TACIS, ADBEnvironmental advice and due diligence support to energy sectorSupport to an EC/ADB Rapid-Response Expert Facility in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan for energy sector (developing gas supplies and interstate transportation, electricity generation and transmission, energy efficiency and renewable energy) in Central Asia. Provision of technical assistance to support regional energy investment projects.
Benin, Burkina Faso, MaliMCCDue diligence of environmental studies for roads programme Working with in-country Millennium counterparts, the EIA and other environmental studies were assessed in Burkina Faso for proposed 1200 km roads programme (bitumen, earth and rural access); significant transboundary issues with Benin, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Togo.
NigeriaPort, Harbours & MarinasPeer review of initial port enlargement optionsRiver Bonny Channel Expansion in the Nigerian Delta ~ a number of options are being considered to facilitate port access to larger vessels and a higher volume of traffic; to include widening and deepening the existing approach channel or creating a new channel. In either case the channel will need to be dredged and the dumped spoils assessed. Various options are to be assessed for environmental and social impact. The specific task called for peer review of the EIA work undertaken by local and UK consultants.
BulgariaWorld Bank, Investors\r\nDue diligence of environmental studies ~ nuclear powerAssessed EIA and other environmental studies for proposed nuclear power facility on banks of Danube in Bulgaria, with significant transboundary issues.
KuwaitOil & GasWeb-based HSE-MSProvision of advice to Kuwait oil company on the hardware and software needed to establish a functional web and PC-based system to manage health, safety and environmental issues captured within a formal HSE-MS across all the operating companies. Two systems were identified, compared and contrasted and recommendations made.
NicaraguaUSAIDDevelopment/Delivery of EIA trainingA three-day, EIA course was developed and delivered in Nicaragua, with local NGO, for government agencies, fully supported with a delegate's manual and used local case study examples, focussing on the oil and gas sector specifically the potential impacts of seismic acquisition and exploration drilling.
Trinidad & TobagoECDisaster Preparedness AssessmentCurrent arrangements in Trinidad & Tobago were assessed for all aspects of disaster preparedness leading to financing for improved disaster management capability; regional, national and at community level.
YemenUNDPReview and development ~ environmental indicatorsCountry environmental indicators for the Yemen were reviewed and developed for dams, roads, urban renewal, oil and gas and agriculture. A further requirement was the development of technical content for a new regulation for the EIA of oil and gas sector facilities.
Saudi ArabiaLegalImplementation of EIAProvision of advice concerning the implementation and enforcement of existing environmental legislation of Saudi Arabia, specifically EIA, and the relative roles of the municipal and national statutory authorities in environmental protection.
NigeriaIFIDue diligence ~ pipelineAssessed EIA and other environmental studies for Gbaran-Ubie/EGGS-2 project in Nigeria ~ an onshore large-capacity gas supply source/transport system in Bayelsa State in the eastern part of the Niger delta.
NigeriaOil & GasImplementation of environmental standardsAssistance was provided to raise company in Nigeria to certification readiness for the new ISO 14001: 2004 EMS and integrating several new facilities to the existing scope.
UgandaEUCountry Environmental ProfileSupport was provided for the preparation of a Country Strategy Paper for Uganda, to directly influence EC cooperation activities, and ensure cooperation strategies integrate environmental considerations into the selection of priority focal areas.
AlgeriaOil & GasEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ gas pipeline and processing facilitiesEIA: Drafting of ToR for gas facilities/pipeline located in southern Algeria - summarised information available, EIA method to be followed, and deliverables expected (Environmental Impact Statement, Environmental & Social Baseline Study, the Impact Assessment, the Management Plan and the Public Consultation Programme). Methodology required by ToR was consistent with best practice, incorporating World Bank (IFC) and EBRD norms, and national/international regulatory requirements.
Bangladesh, India, NepalOil & GasPolicy advice ~ biodiversityPolicy: Assessment of current/future biodiversity impacts and risks in India, Bangladesh and Nepal; review of current Company practices in safeguarding environmentally sensitive areas and biodiversity conservation; consultation with central/local government; research and university institutes; local conservation/biodiversity organisations; review of current and emerging institutional frameworks, laws and initiatives (international, regional, national) on ESAs and biodiversity conservation; included reviews of relevant activities on MEAs.
UruguayIFCStrategic Environmental Impact assessment ~ pulp & paperSEA: Pulp & Paper Assignment in Uruguay (using applicable IFC/WBG policies and guidelines) considered the aggregate impact of two plants for the same activity, with the same impact zone of influence; and, the broader level of planned development in both Uruguay and Argentina on a regional perspective; significant issues transboundary, air quality, water quality, urban development.
BangladeshEUDisaster Preparedness AssessmentLed Appraisal Mission to Bangladesh to design three-year programme; Earthquake preparedness and mitigation; Community awareness programme for all aspects of disaster preparedness leading to a study /design of a pilot implementation of a permanent disaster management capability; and, Extension of the disaster management information centre with ability to inform in real time to community level.
GuyanaEUCountry Environmental ProfileSupport was provided for the preparation of a Country Strategy Paper for Guyana, to directly influence EC cooperation activities, and ensure cooperation strategies integrate environmental considerations into the selection of priority focal areas.
Russian FederationOil & GasEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ pipeline routingComparative environmental and social risk-based analysis undertaken for pipeline route options in the Russian Federation as part of a major field expansion, using comprehensive technical reviews, additional engineering and environmental surveys. Key sensitive issues: Western Grey Whale, Steller's Sea Eagle, other Red Book species, Class I forest, lagoons, wetlands etc.
Qatar, SyriaManufacturingDue diligence ~ asbestosDue diligence of asbestos in products in Qatar and Syria was undertaken - potential liability issue identified, concerning the supply of products to customers worldwide that contained asbestos. Assignment required identification of relevant in-country regulations, principal controls and restrictions on use/sale of asbestos and asbestos-containing products, implications for previously-sold products and disclosure obligations under jurisdiction.
BelgiumEU AidCoEvaluation of grant applicationsEvaluation of grant applications submitted in response to call for proposals relating to environment and forests - for the following developing countries - Albania, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe: capacity-building, cleaner production, multilateral environmental agreements, biodiversity, and sustainable use of natural and marine/coastal resources.
JamaicaEU AidCoProject Evaluation ~ marine protected area and ecotourismProject evaluation was undertaken in Jamaica - The Self-Sustainability of the Negril Marine Park, Project ENV/B7-6200/98-22 to determine lessons learned over the period of EC project funding (1999 2002). EC wished to be appraised of why most of the activities were delayed and to evaluate the outputs of the project in terms of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.
Bosnia and HerzegovinaEC PHAREInstitutional Strengthening ~ sustainable management Transfer environmental and sustainable management competence to local partners (ministries, universities, companies and individuals) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Activities: cost-benefit of environment policies, options of environmental policy instruments, a single economic/legal resource centre, drafting of legal documents, clarification of the roles and responsibilities at State/Entity/Cantonal/Municipal level and the application of PCM; included reviews of relevant activities on MEAs.
Netherlands, NigeriaOil & GasDue diligence ~ LNGWork in the Netherlands and Nigeria involved the assessment of the environmental, social and health consequences of adding three additional trains, on behalf of financial organisations (lenders and export credit agencies). Assessments include site visits, completion of compliance certificates, appraisal of Pre-Completion and Operational Reports and review of Environmental Compliance Reports on a six monthly basis during construction, and annually thereafter.
Russian FederationEC-TACISOil Spill Contingency PlanToR developed for EC-TACIS 2002 Baltic Sea Region Action Programme to elaborate a global Baltic oil spill safety system based in the Russian Federation. Experience and results of other TACIS projects in the area, current/planned activities of other donors and of the Russian Government in this field were assessed and considered. Liaison with key project partners (Ministries of Natural Resources, of Transport and of Emergencies), EC Delegation in Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg Office), HELCOM and relevant donors. Based in St Petersburg, Moscow and Kaliningrad.
Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab EmiratesChemicals (Paint)Due diligence ~ paintReview of past and present operations (paint manufacture, retail and distribution) on the facility properties and surroundings in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia was undertaken to assess environmental compliance of the facility, key environmental liabilities associated with the facility and identifying cost associated with the remediation of any issues found. Tasks: background information review, assessment of available historical, geological, and topographical maps for the area, site visit, interviews with senior staff, a review of available documentation; and, reporting with estimates of compliance/remediation costs.
Russian FederationEBRDDevelopment of an environmental action plan and identification of improvements in environmental and safety management practicesDevelopment of an environmental action plan and identification of improvements in environmental and safety management practices in; oil spill response management, occupational health and safety, and environmental management systems in Russian Federation. Consisted of three-phase programme of preparation, development and implementation with subsequent follow-up over a period of approximately two years. Another specific task was to identify and develop communications linkages within company, its organisational HSE management system and the communities.
Argentina, UruguayIADBDue diligence ~ portThe construction and operation of a private port for M'Bopicu on the Uruguay side of the Rio Uruguay (shared between Argentina and Uruguay) was assessed. Task involved summarising the relevant characteristics related to the environmental, social, health and safety aspects. Key issues: water quality, dredging & disposal, multiplier effects, bi-national impacts and transboundary issues and regional impact on sustainable development. Quarterly monitoring during construction; annual monitoring during operations.
KuwaitOil & GasEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ wastewater treatmentEIA study for the Effluent Water Transfer System and Minagish Water Injection Plant facilities at West Kuwait. All environmental risks were assessed for the construction/commissioning/operation of the facilities and mitigation measures recommended.
IranJICAAssessment of the EIA and planning systemA key issue in country selection for inward investment is the regulatory regime of Iran. Of particular interest is the required time for undertaking an EIA and obtaining an approval to proceed with construction. The purpose of this assignment was to clarify the existing constraints in the EIA process for use by specialised funds and potential investors.
Russian FederationInvestorsDue diligence ~ pipelineAssignment involved the assessment and summary of the ecological and socio-economic work carried out by the oil company and its Russian sub contractors in the Russian Far East. Comments made on: adequacy for characterisation of the terrestrial environment - including spatial and temporal coverage; identification of protected areas and species identified; detailed surveys carried out in vicinity of the major facilities (LNG plant, tanker loading facility, oil export terminal, offshore producing facilities, booster stations, pipe landfall, pipeline, construction camps etc.). Reviewed mitigation measures outlined in preliminary EIA report for adequacy.
TurkmenistanEC-TACISDrafting of a regulation for EIAAssignment involved provision of policy advice and assistance to the Ministry of Nature Use and Environmental Protection in Turkmenistan regarding the application of EIA to projects in the oil and gas sector. Work entailed preparation of a normative (legal) procedure for the EIA of proposed oil and gas facilities, involved extensive inter-ministry discussions, visits to existing oil and gas facilities.
Saudi ArabiaConstructionEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ wastewaterPeer review of a company's EIA for a wastewater treatment plant at a refinery at Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia. The facility was designed to improve the environmental performance of the existing treatment plant and to allow for an increase in capacity in effluent from the refinery. Considered impacts of during construction, commissioning, operation and potential catastrophic situations, against a range of legal requirements, internal standards, and best practice.
SerbiaUNTraining ~ EU lawA series of seminars was developed for the European Council for Peace and Development of the UN University of Peace in Belgrade, Serbia: An Introduction to EU Legislation the Parliamentary Process etc; Air Quality; Environmental Impact Assessment; Strategic Environmental Assessment; Integrated Pollution Prevention Control; Water Quality; Producer Responsibility; Waste Electrical and Electronic Goods; End-of-Life Vehicles; and Sustainability. The training was delivered within the context of re-working existing assets in northern Serbia to accommodate tourism opportunities.
KuwaitOil & GasTraining ~ HSEDevelopment and delivery of an HSE training package within a Kuwait oil company to 880 managers, senior engineers and supervisors incorporating course notes, practical sessions, video, and individual CDs. The 2-day course incorporated: Leadership and Commitment, Integrating Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, Administrative Aspects, Contractor, Measurement, Self Assessment and Audits. The course was based on the existing HSE system of the company and was used to facilitate the implementation of the company HSE system
NigeriaOil & GasImplementation ~ ISO 14001Assistance on developing an integrated health, safety and environment management system and to prepare an oil company in Nigeria for ISO 14001 certification. Activities included policy review, manual preparation, and development of procedures. To support implementation, various awareness workshops were developed and given, at different levels, including for senior managers, staff, contractors and suppliers. Successfully certified to ISO 14001 by SGS. Further specialist support provided: EIA, internal auditing, and programmes on waste minimisation and energy conservation.
BrazilIADBDue diligence ~ portThe construction and operation of a private port (Port of Itapo) in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil was assessed. The Port of Itapo expected to handle 1M tons of forest products [wood chips and logs] and 4 M tons of containerised cargo. Components and facilities: container-handling terminal, wood-chip handling terminal, administration and other general installations. Tasks: summarising relevant characteristics related to the environmental, social, health and safety aspects, based upon a review of existing information and a site reconnaissance, and evaluating adequacy of the proposed environmental, social, health and safety assessments, plans and procedures. Compliance audit: sawmill, products facility and a protected area.
ThailandAsia-Europe Env. Tech. CentreUrban Development ~ mega citiesAs a member of Advisory Group to AEETC in Thailand, areas of advice included Mega-Cities Efficient Use of Resources, Energy and Environment, Controls on Emissions and Waste, and Urbanisation and Sustainable Development. Projects to date: Air pollution in the mega-cities of south and south -east Asia: An assessment of the policies and strategies for air pollution control and management, International symposium on greening tax system in Asian countries.
CyprusLocal ConsultancyTraining ~ HSE in ConstructionA series of 2-day seminars were developed and delivered in Cyprus on: Managing Health and Safety for the Construction Industry, Pollution Control Management, EIA from Theory to Practice, and Environmental Auditing for Hotels. The seminars included a site visit, local cases as examples and were supported with custom delegates notes.
ThailandUK Government (DTI/DETR)Training ~ waste managementSupport to British Trade Mission to Thailand implemented by the Joint Environmental Markets Unit and Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce sponsoring several environmental seminars on waste management to accompany Britain in Thailand: Environment Week held in Bangkok. Invited seminar concerned the establishment of a waste minimisation programme and was attended by at least 120 delegates representing all parts of Thai industry.
MauritiusWorld BankTraining ~ ISO 14001, EMS, auditing and awarenessSeries of 1-day, 2-day and 3-day workshops in Mauritius was provided to train export businesses and government agencies on environmental awareness, management and the international standard for environmental management systems, ISO 14001. Workshops supported with delegate's manual and local case studies.
JapanCertification Certification ~ ISO 14001An Audit (Stage 1) was undertaken at three companies in Japan within the scopes of Engineering and of Construction. Each audit took approximately four days. Subsequently, three Audits (Stage 2) were undertaken at these companies each audit took approximately five days.
KosovoUNDPCapacity-building ~ Environmental effects and actions needed to accommodate refugeesThe crisis in Kosovo required the existing project to consider the environmental effects and actions needed with respect to refugees from Kosovo. Visit to Kosovo to discuss in-country issues and observe at firsthand. In addition, the Project also considered, and built in, gender equality perspectives and the particular circumstances of the Roma community.
JapanCertificationTraining ~ ISO 14001 toolkitAn ISO 14001 Toolkit was developed on behalf of an ISO 9000 Certification Body specifically for use in Japan to support Japanese consultants in developing their client companies to certification for ISO 14001. To support the toolkit, three training modules were also developed on environmental awareness, consultancy skills in EMS and on the use of the toolkit.
JapanCertificationTraining ~ ISO 14001 toolkitTraining: Using an ISO 14001 Toolkit (prepared under a previous contract), Japanese consultants were trained in how to assist their client companies to certification for ISO 14001. 5-day training undertaken using various live situations such as hotels, light manufacturing etc.
Russian FederationEC TACISTraining ~ ISO 14001A series of 4-day workshops was undertaken in the Russian Federation (in Moscow and Ulan Ude [SE Siberia]) to train businesses on environmental management and the international standard, ISO 14001. Workshops supported with delegate's manual, copy of Standard (in Russian) and local case studies.
Philippines, SingaporeCertificationTraining ~ ISO 14001A series of 2-day workshops were run to train businesses in Singapore and Philippines on environmental management and the international standard for environmental management systems, ISO 14001. These workshops fully supported with a delegate's manual and copy of the Standard.
Malaysia, PhilippinesUK Government, Crown AgentsTraining ~ ISO 14001Seminars held to promote environmental management and the implementation of ISO 14001 into Filipino and Malaysian businesses. The Bureau of Product Standards (DTI) in the Philippines (equivalent to UKAS in the UK) and appropriate counterparts in Malaysia facilitated the seminar programme for grinding mill, real estate, paper-making, marketing, paints, meat processing, filling station, brewing, furniture-making, bulk-handling, wire cable, oil refining, automotive components/ manufacture, bottling, glass manufacturing, and trade associations.
Russian FederationWorld Bank, EBRDKomi Emergency Oil Spill Recovery and Mitigation ProjectIn 1994 one of the world's largest oil spills occurred in the Usinsk region of the Komi Republic (Russian Federation) due to leaks from the regional pipeline. Most significant impact was on commercial and domestic fisheries in the local rivers. Other impacts included: loss of habitat for small mammals and water birds, also a significant downstream effect on river communities (eight villages with population of 7000) for potable water and grazing land. Reindeer herds and their migration routes had been affected. A social mitigation plan had been established. Specific role: identification of regional priority environmental socio-economic issues, design of environmental and socio-economic measures; identification of supporting research needs; and evaluation of low-cost bioremediation.
EgyptUS-Egyptian oil companyEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ seismic drillingAn US-Egyptian oil company proposed to carry out a seismic drilling programme in a concession considered sensitive on the basis of its fisheries, tourism, aquaculture and archaeology. A national expert team was assembled and tasked with undertaking a programme of work with the initial scoping being led internationally and developed in detail through consultation with the Egyptian authorities. This was the first EIA for seismic drilling under Law No 4, and was approved.
AzerbaijanOil & GasEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ offshore productionUndertaken for AIOC the existing oil-producing fields off Baku, Azerbaijan. Responsibilities included development of counterpart training programme in EIA management (with regard to desk study), and undertaking a Literature Review to specify the sampling programme (involved management of ten national expert technical teams).
EgyptUK Government, DFIDCapacity-building ~ ministriesThe institution-strengthening/capacity-building, 3-year programme in Egypt included co-ordination, development and delivery of 36 workshops: government line ministries (e.g. Housing, Tourism, Agriculture etc.), governmental agencies and NGOs, major universities and research institutes, and selected industrial sectors; energy, petrochemicals, heavy industry, engineering, mining, agrochemicals, food, oil and soap, and textiles. Workshops included: EIA environmental auditing and management systems, waste management. Selected delegates attended specific study tours to enhance their skills and knowledge, particularly in EIA and in waste management.
Finland, France, SingaporeManufacturingDue diligence ~ manufacturingUndertaken prior to acquisition of crane manufacturing facilities in Finland, France and Singapore, supported by local sub-consultants. Data gathered on site contamination, and on operational practices. Priorities and approximate costs generated for further evaluation prior to the issue of Offer to Purchase.
United States of AmericaPower GenerationAir Quality SurveyTelephone and questionnaire survey to obtain US utility industry experience on the use of GRP pipe in FGD systems ~ problem of pipe joint failures at elevated pressure tests was identified.
United States of AmericaOil & GasSite Investigation and RemediationReview undertaken of a report describing existing soil and groundwater contamination of a former paint works in US. Verification of potential remediation opportunities was undertaken and the State-required, clean-up criteria were clarified. Involved management of the purchaser's consultants and their remediation vendor/sub-contractors.
Russian FederationOil & GasTraining ~ laboratory proceduresDiscussions were held with regulatory officials in the Russian Federation concerning the evaluation of a potential laboratory for in-country analysis of soil and water samples. A detailed tour of the facilities was made, during which the equipment was inventoried and procedures discussed with senior laboratory personnel. A preliminary list was made concerning requirements for high-grade analytical chemicals and spare parts for some of the equipment. Training needs were identified and a proposed programme of US-based training, followed by in-country technical support and transfer, was discussed and developed.
MauritiusDFIDEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ cementNew cement handling facilities were being developed for Port Louis, Mauritius - berthing and discharging facilities for the cement vessels, silos for storage of bulk cement, a bagging plant and associated transportation and distribution facilities. Issues: land take, noise, dust, and cross contamination with other bulk-stored cargoes. Three options identified and assigned a coarse rating to each according to the potential environmental impact and relative sensitivity.
Trinidad & TobagoIADBCZMThe Ministry of Environment, Trinidad & Tobago required a study to assess the islands' natural resource base and to consider its environmental protection needs. Development opportunities of the resources were recognised, both for revenue earning capacity as a major export and also as a tourism opportunity. Various ministries, government departments and agencies with an interest in, or a duty for, the management of individual resources were identified. Existing information on the natural resource base was collated and mapped - identifying the primary natural resources, legislation that was available to protect those resources and whether that legislation was effective. Additional methods of environmental protection were proposed.
LibyaOil & GasEnvironmental Impact Assessment ~ explorationPrior to the acquisition of further acreage for oil exploration in Libya- identified the environmental and archaeological features that may be sensitive to petroleum development. Data were reviewed for the areas of interest and for climate, oceanography, geology, land use, fisheries and archaeology. The political and economic structures were reviewed as were land use, water resources, and environmental policy and planning. Existing legislation were reviewed and areas of conflict with petroleum activity were identified. Two potential sensitivities were identified: a set of archaeological remains and the potential for the breeding grounds of an endangered species of seal to be affected. Recommendations were made.
Puerto Rico, VenezuelaUK GovernmentWaste Management ~ nuclearGeochemical studies around Puerto Rico and Venezuela related to deep-sea disposal of radioactive waste as a collaborative effort involving the Universities of Leeds and Southampton, the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (Deacon Laboratory) and the Oceanographic Institute, Caracas. Sampling undertaken and original methods developed to measure dissolved manganese and the rare earth elements in seawater, sediments and fish teeth using AAS (graphite furnace) and MS respectively. Data indicated the relationship between water values, sediment concentrations and selective replacement of fish bone mineralogy and provided insights into stability of the ocean floor.
Albania, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea Bissau, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lao, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Sao Tomé and Principe, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican CityEuropean/UK/US ConsultanciesMarket Surveillance and Business DevelopmentThe support offered has been given at one or more stages of the project cycle: Prequalification, Expressions of Interest, Consultant Selection, Technical Proposals, Tendering, Contract Award, Local/in-country Office set-up, Project Management and Billing. Specific sectors have included: oil & gas, industrial (integrated pollution prevention and control) Municipal (planning guidance) and climate change (mitigation, adaptation, vulnerability, and low carbon development potential).
GuatemalaUK/US ConsultanciesMarket SurveillanceThe support offered has been given at one or more stages of the project cycle: Prequalification, Expressions of Interest, Consultant Selection, Technical Proposals, Tendering, Contract Award, Local/in-country Office set-up, Project Management and Billing. Specific sectors have included: oil & gas, industrial (integrated pollution prevention and control) Municipal (planning guidance) and climate change (mitigation, adaptation, vulnerability, and low carbon development potential).
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